
Your Wonderful, Beautiful, Incredible SKIN.

23rd Aug 2022

Your Wonderful, Beautiful, Incredible SKIN.

The modern take on caring for your skin is to sanitize, when you venture out, cover up, and slather sunscreen on everyday. We don’t agree with all that.


Your amazing skin is your largest organ, it’s incredibly complex, and it does a lot of amazing stuff for you (beyond merely holding you together).

It's made up of around 30 layers of cells that slowly grow from the inside out, getting stronger, stretchier, and working slower as they advance to the outer layer. The cells on the outer layers (epidermis) are especially full of keratin (the stuff your hair is mostly made of) for strength and durability. Your skin also has immune cells, and a chemical barrier made of fats and enzymes that controls for invaders partially by keeping your skin at an acidic 5.0pH.

Your skin hosts around 1,000 species of bacteria.

Totaling about 1 trillion little critters.

We think having skin teaming with bacteria is a beautiful thing...

These bacteria eat the ‘food’ that bad bacteria would otherwise eat, and by secreting chemicals that keep invaders away (they want to help us stay healthy so they can continue to live on us).

Your skin will consume up to 100% of what you put on it!

Absorbing vitamins, minerals, and many other substances directly into the blood, lymph, or muscles. An amazing absorber, it filters and delivers a consistent dose directly in the area in need.

Skin Supplements, Dermal Patches, & Healing Oils and Balms deliver a healthy dose consumed through the skin!

Your skin is a factory that continuously spreads a protective conditioning oil over itself. 

This oil is called sebum, and it protects you from bacteria and fungus as well as keeping your skin dry and flexible. If you diminish your sebum production, consistently wash it away, or inhibit it with topical chemicals it can cause pimples or other skin problems.

Body hairs grow for 2-6 years. You lose 20-100 per day.

Scientists don’t know why yet, but cells in your hair follicles have circadian cells that keep track of your sleep patterns. So, your even the cells in your hair are super smart (and apparently they need their sleep)!

Melanin is pigment found in small cells spaced evenly throughout the skin. The size and spacing of the pigment determines your skin color- all humans have a similar number of these cells.

Most of the Dust in your House is dead skin.

You’re welcome.
